Wednesday, August 17, 2016

9 Ways to be happy and make something of your life

9 Ways to be 

9 ways to be happy and make something of your life 

Image result for gordon b. hinckley

 Gordon B. Hinckley 

1. Be Grateful

I think everyone should be grateful. Grateful of what you have because other people might wish to have what you do. Although what you have might not be a lot but you should always be happy you have that. Someone who is not grateful is never pleased, no matter what they have they are never happy and that isn't right. Always be grateful of what people do for you. You never know how hard they had to work to get you something or all the trouble they had to go through just to see you happy. Being grateful means you''ll enjoy the things that go on during your day. A lot of people take for granted what they have they think that it will always be there but little do they know that at any given point it can all be gone. not just because you have it now means you will have it for ever. Be grateful of being able to enjoy another day of life, while others are fighting to live another day. When someone gives you something, you should always says thank you because they do it with love.
Being grateful can change you and your life. When you are grateful you start to appreciate even the smallest things that happen to you or that you have.

"People tend to take for granted the good that is already present in their lives." 

  • Saying thank you,
  • Appreciating the things

2. Be Smart 
Image result for being smart quotesBeing smart is not just having to do with work you do in the classroom. I know you have to be smart with doing your homework and school work but I think "being smart" in a different way as well. You need to be smart with the choices you take and think about the consequences there are to the action you made. Think about it... if the action you are about to do has bad consequences do you really think its a good idea to do it? Just because your friends are doing those things doesn't mean you should go an follow their steps. Instead you should be smart and stay away from those people who are doing harm to you and trying to get you to do things  you know are wrong. Be smart and take better decisions, you should know from good and bad and know what is best for you. You wanna do things that make you look cool? i don't think that is a smart thing to think. I mean who are you damaging? yourself not anyone else but you possibly family members that care about you. For example, your friends are going to a party they invite you but you know you have to study for a import test, be smart and stay home to study.     

        “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” 
  • I will do what i know is best for me. 
  • I Will do as I am asked to do. 

3. Be involved in good works
Image result for be involved in good works QUOTES
Being involved in good works is a helpful thing so that you can live right. Good works can be to always be honest and be respectful. Respect everyone who is around and you. Do not make any one feel less because of how they look or talk. Respect the teachers and their classroom. If they ask you to do something you should do it and not act all mean about it. If the teachers are always calling on you because you are talking then maybe you should stop. Don’t do drugs or drink choose the right. Do your homework the day that it is assigned and turn it in on time. Don’t disrespect your parents at any time always talk to them calmly. If they are accusing you or something then wait your turn to talk and explain to them but don’t ever say bad things to them because that’s your parents. For example, don’t lie because lying is bad you’ll end up getting caught lying.                                                         

                 “To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act."
  • I won’t lie
  • I will Always respect my parents 

4. Be Clean:
Image result for be clean quotesBeing clean is very important, being clean can mean many different things. Clean like free from dirt and being organized and clean as in good. Staying clean can say alot about the type of person you are. Having everything organized can also say what kind of person you are, that is a way of being clean. Organized people are clean because their papers are all neat and the person knows exactly where to find them . Clean as good meaning you always choose the right no matter  what. you will go through the correct path. You wont let anyone tell you to do something when you know it is wrong. Of course to have your clothes washed and for to be clean everyday is a good thing, try your best to not get dirty. Be clean can also be used when you are referring to kids who use drug substances. You can tell someone to stay clean and off drugs or drinks. An example is a kid who isn't clean doesn't know where their papers are at unlike the kid who is clean knows exactly where to find what he is looking for.
                 “Organize, don't agonize.”
  • I will keep my stuff organized 
  1. i will be clean.

    5. Be True
    Image result for be true to yourself quoteBeing true is a good thing; I actually believe it is a very important thing. Not to just be true to people but especially to yourself. Being true to yourself mean you need to act in a correct way based on what you believe and who you are. You should always accept yourself for who you truly are and not what other people think of you.  You can’t be true to anyone else till you are true to yourself. Never make the mistake to pretend to be someone who you aren’t just to try to please someone. When you pretend to be someone you really aren’t you won’t be happy. When you are true to yourself that means that you don’t let anyone else define you or make decisions for you.  For example, your friends like to drink but you don’t, you shouldn’t start drinking in order to fit in with them.  Be true to your work do your best on it. Do not copy someone else’s work and pretend like you did it because it’s not right. First of all you probably didn’t even learn anything from the work and that’s lying.
         “Sometimes, being true to yourself means changing your mind. Self-                                     changes, and you follow.”
           ·         I won’t pretend to be someone I am not.
           ·        Always be true to my work
           ·        Be true to myself. 
6. Be positive
Image result for be positive quotesBeing positive is a good thing to be. I mean when you are positive about stuff things go the right way. You can be positive in many different ways; there is a lot of ways I can think of. Be positive about your school works don’t think something is wrong if you strongly believe in it well go right ahead and share it out. When wanting to accomplish goals you should always be positive about what you are doing and don’t look back. You should have faith in yourself and that you will do it no matter how hard it might seem.  At that moment it might seem to be difficult and to you it may seem like you will never accomplish it but believe me staying positive is the way out. Like I mention there are different ways of being positive, another way is being positive about you. Don’t ever think that you are less than someone else or anything like that. Be positive of what you do and who you are. 
Do not ever let people put you down and no matter what they say as long as you like yourself and be positive about who you are then everything will be all good. For example, don’t stop yourself from achieving something just because someone told you, you couldn’t do it or because it is just hard.
“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.”
  • ·        I Will always stay positive
  • ·        I Will try to achieve my goals regardless

7. Be Humble
Image result for be humble quotesYou always have to stay humble. Don’t always mention how humble you are though because a “humble” person doesn’t do that. Those who claim to be the most humble usually are not. Never ever think that you are better than anyone else, like your classmates or friends. If you do something for someone let it be because it came from your heart not because you want them to know you did it.  Just like in the Bible, Jesus is described as humble because he was born in a stable, served the poor. He sacrificed himself without taking any credit for it instead he gave all the credit to his dad. That’s how it should be that you aren’t doing the things for people to get something in return but because that’s how you are. As you grow older and you become someone famous still stay humble. Remember where you came from and that you weren’t always at that level that you might get to. Once you reach that level don’t look at those who don’t have what you do in a wrong way because that isn’t right. For example, you become a famous, important and recognized person and you act like you have been like that your whole life and forget about who you really were before. Shouldn’t do that always keep that in mind be the same nice and sweet person you were and remain humble. 

      “Those who are believed to be most abject and humble are usually most ambitious and envious.”
  • I Will never think I'm better than anyone else 
  • always know something good is ahead
8. be still
Image result for be still quotesBeing still can mean many different things and everyone understands it differently. For me being still means to do the correct thing at the correct time. To know how to behave in certain places. You can’t always act wild in places, especially in your classroom or in a school. Respect property or behave the way that the person wants you too. In a classroom you have to be still, do your work and listen to the teachers. Don’t say bad works be respectful wait until you are out in the playground. If you go visit someone you have respect their house and be still not playing all over the place. Like when your parents are talking having a conversation and you interrupt them that is not right.  If your parents expect you to be at a certain place be still there don’t go wondering off to another place. When someone is talking to you pay attention to what they are saying, be still and listen carefully don’t be doing other stuff while they talk. For example,, your friend is telling you something that has occurred to her and instead you are your phone, you shouldn’t do that listen to what she says.
“Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still.”
®   I Will listen carefully.
®   Behave the right way 

9. Be Prayerful 

These 9 ways to be happy and make something of your life are very important and all of them should applied to our life’s. All of these can relate to me in many ways. I now know that I have to be still for at least a while, take some time off of what I do on a daily basis and think. I will always be humble never will I think I am better than anyone else. Lying is such bad things never do that because the lies never lead you to anything good. Be positive about everything always have faith in you and be clean. Clean up after yourself and the classroom you are at. Even at home clean your room, don’t write on walls, tables, or books. Be grateful about what you already have and what will come your way. Appreciate the little things you have because others don’t have what you do. People who do stuff for you do it with all their love. Always try to remind those people that you appreciate all the things they do for you. Lastly be smart about what you do and don’t do anything you know is not right or correct. 

The 9 ways concluding words by Gordon B. Hinckley
“There they are, nine Be’s which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or women. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give directions to your energies.
They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is a time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth… are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will you happiness- things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a steam, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossings, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, “Stop, look, listen.” They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and had better be alert.
I was riding a train in the Midwest year ago. I looked out the window in my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as they brakes gripped the wheels. We looked out the window on the other side. There was a mangle car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in an instant.
The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be’s.
The years will inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life.” 

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