Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Top 10 rules for success by Cristiano Ronaldo

The Top 10 rules for success by Cristiano Ronaldo

1.Just play!
2.Be competitive
3.Always take on new challenge
4.Know your priorities
5. People will judge you hard
7.Believe you are the best
8. play for the team
9.enjoy the moments
10.have a sense of humor

Be open to new challenges, do not be scared about the new things. Take a chance even if the language is different or you do not know anyone there. People will always judge you no matter what so it is better to just do what you want. Always believe in yourself, think that you can and you will. Take the time and appreciate every single moment because they are not there forever. work hard do not think you will achieve something when you put zero work into it. Always take on new challenges to see what things you are good at. To know your priorities is important because you will accomplish many things. Do first what is more important leave for last what is less important. Never let other people tell you what is right or what is wrong.

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