Wednesday, May 3, 2017

10 Seeds of greatness

The 10 Seeds Of Greatness:

Image result for 10 seeds of greatness denis waitley

1. The seed of self-esteem
Image result for self esteem,quote( Appreciate the value of yourself)
"from self-love to self-worth."
Always feel good about yourself no matter what other people say about you. They have no right to be saying rude things about you. Before someone else likes you for who you are you need to like yourself and respect yourself. If you do not respect yourself others will never do so.

2. The Seed of Creativity“
Image result for creativity quoteReleasing your creative energy"
Creativity is being able to come up with unique ideas that can benefit you. You are able to solve a problem in a way that another person won't be able to. You can do your work with things that are creative and will catch someones attention. Your work can receive a better grade because it was so different than everyone's else. Go ahead and always be yourself and express yourself do not be afraid of what people might say. You will be able to look at the world in a whole different perspective and more beautiful. Do not lose your creativity. 

3. The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we sow, we reap."
Image result for responsibilityBe responsible and take full responsibility when something goes wrong. Keep your word and promises, if you say you are going to be at home at 11, then be home at 11. No one wants to be lied to and taken as a fool. When you are responsible that means that you get your important things done before you go and mess around. Its always good to have fun but do it with responsibility.

4. The Seed of Wisdom
Image result for wisdom quotes"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
Wisdom is having good knowledge and also good judgement. You are being wise and make good decisions. You are able to decide in between good and wrong so that you won't make a mistake. You are smart enough to not go and do something that you are not supposed to do or that will get you into trouble. You take full responsibility about every single one of your actions, it doesn't matter if they are good or bad.

Image result for purpose quote5. The Seed of Purpose
“The gold mine in your goals”
When doing something always think about the purpose of it. We all do certain things for different reasons. Some reasons are good and the other ones not so good. Always keep in mind why you are you working hard towards something. Keeping that in mind can help you achieve what you want. Your goals have a purpose.  You don’t do it just because, its either because you want to better yourself or you enjoy it. Purpose is the reason why is something is being created or why does it exist. The purpose for someone wanting to graduate high school is because they want to better themselves and want to make their parents proud. Everything that you have done and will do have a purpose you just need to find what the purpose is. 

Image result for communication quote6. The Seed of Communication
 “Reach out and touch someone
Reaching out to someone does not mean you are weak. Talking to someone about your problems can help you better yourself. They can help you be a better person. You have to be able to communicate with other people, friends, family, teachers and class mates. When working on a group project you all need to communicate about certain things. You can never get a good project done if you never communicate with each other. When there are disagreements you always have to find the best solution to it, not just so it benefits you but also the people that are your partner. 

7. The seed of faith
" The power of positive believing"
Believe that you can, and you will. If you think negatively then the results will be negative. If you have a good and positive thought the results will be the best. Even if others say you can't always think that you can. Believe in yourself and in the abilities you have. We all have great skills that make us different and if we ever fail we learn from failure.

8. The seed of adaptability
"Turning problems into opportunities"
One thing can not remain the same forever, at some points changes are made. You shouldn't reject change though because it is not always a bad thing. New opportunities might come with the new change and they may better your life. Do not make it such a big problem and actually try to gain new stuff from it that can help you in future situations. Being able to adapt to new things or new places is the best.

9. The seed of perseverance
"The will to win is everything."
If you really want it then go for it and give it your all! It means you will try no matter how difficult it gets. Sometimes things will not occur at the time you want them to, it takes time. If you don't give up you will achieve it even if it takes to long. Push yourself everyday towards what you want to do and become because if you don't it will never happen.  if you don't believe in yourself than who will.

10. The seed of perspective:
"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
Perspective is the point of view of a certain thing. It is the way you want to look at it and how open minded can you be. You can see something one way but someone else sees it differently. Never have just one opinion because not all us think the same. Maybe if you listen carefully to other people you will learn new things and experience new things. These things can help you in the future. There isn't just two sides to things either there are several ways. You may not like the other persons ideas but that doesn't make their ideas wrong.

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