Wednesday, June 7, 2017

My top 10 rules for success:

1. be helpful
2. be honest
3. be yourself
4. be humble
Image result for be responsible5. be open minded
6. review things over and over
7. be kind
8. always smile
9. be positive
10. do not underestimate your ability. 

Image result for be humbleImage result for smileAlways be helpful, try to help anyone you can. You never know when things can be the other way around and you might need the help. If they are struggling with something and you have the power to help go for it. Be honest, no one likes liars. No one will speak to you if they know that they can not trust you. Friends are the people that we can trust and we know will follow through with what they said. Always be yourself, do not try to become someone you are not just to fit in. If they can not accept you for who you are that is their lost. You should love yourself just they way you are. Be humble, don't think you know everything and that you can't learn from others. Remember where you came from and how you started.  Be open minded to new ideas, they might not be so bad and they can help you do the work better. Maybe they can help you look at things in different perspective which can lead you the best idea. Always review things over and over. One time is not enough to study you have to do it multiple times in order to master it. Be kind to everyone that surrounds you and that loves you. They will be the ones who will be there for you. Always smile and show people that you are a friendly person. Let them know they can come and speak to you about a tough situation. Be positive, always have the positive ideas and not negatives. If you have positive ideas you will be able to accomplish much more. don't ever underestimate your abilities to do something. Just know that with a lot of effort you will complete it. No one can tell you that you cant do it.

Image result for be kindImage result for be helpful

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