Monday, November 7, 2016

The 7 Habits of Highly effective people

Image result for begin with the end in mind quoteHabit2. Begin with the end in mind.
“Control your own destiny or someone else will.” (Jack Welch)
“When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now.” (Covey)
When we begin with the end in our mind we have a direction to go so we can get to where we want to. Without it we will only have made a little to zero progress toward our goal. To begin with the end in mind is a process of taking control of our own lives.
 We always create things twice, once in our head and second when we actually put it to work. This can actually help us without progress towards our finish line. It will help us control the activities we do in order to reach the end. If the work you put physically follows what you have created in your mind everything will be good. If you don’t make an effort to make things go how you want then nothing will ever occur. It is important to have a Mission statement; this mission statement will be based on what you want to do. It will be your plan of success and will make you be focus on your goals. To begin with the end in mind is a great way to accomplish your goals.
I will apply this in school when getting my work done and when it comes to thinking about what I want to be in the future.

“When we begin with the end in mind, we have a personal direction to guide our daily activities, without which we will accomplish little toward our own goals.”

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Habit3. Put first Things First
“Organize and execute around priorities.”
Putting first things first means you have a clear understanding of what your priorities are. I know it sounds easier to say than to do. Some people can get caught up with doing things that aren’t really important. They never get to what is really important because they are doing the non-important things. Then they try to come back to those important things when it is already too late. You need to have time management in order to help you with your stuff. You need to know which are the most important stuff and then if you have time you can get to those non-important stuff. 
Going out to your friend’s house and to hang out are never your priorities you can always do that some other day. Doing homework and study is the main thing. Doing work should always be more important because that will help you be very successful and earn good grades. Having fun can always be left for another day it is always good to enjoy your time but not when you have more important responsibilities to do. I’m sure your friends will understand if you can’t go out with them.

I can apply this to my school work. When I know I have to study and do homework I will do that and not waste my time on non-important things.

Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.”

Image result for think win win quoteHabit4. Think Win-Win
“Think Win-Win or no deal.”
We usually think that one person has to lose and one has to win. But you shouldn’t think that way.  I mean that I guess some people are just used to seeing one person and lose and the other one succeed. Even if that is the case if you don’t succeed at least you should learn from that and not give up. Win- win is more of we both win. Not one loses and the other one wins. We both want the best for each other. You want for both of you to have the same benefits. You should never want the other person to fail at something just because that will make you feel better. Believe me; I’m sure it feels a lot better when you both win. It makes you feel good about yourself. Going into a challenge with a Win- Win mentality is a lot better than to be ready to destroy someone. It’s always good to make other people feel good about themselves as well. Maybe you both have the perfect idea to get a good grade so why not both of you guys take it.
I will apply this is school. When it comes to compete with someone, I will always want the best for both of us.

“You don’t have to blow out the other person’s light to let your own shine.”

Image result for seek first to understand then to be understood quotesHabit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
“Diagnose before you prescribe.”
Seeking to understand first is a great way for you to be able to communicate with other people. I know that most of us what people to understand us first. We want to put our ideas out there before you even hear what the person has to say.
 If you do that you usually end up ignoring the other person completely. You will not hear every word and detail they say only a couple. You will never understand the meaning of what they are saying or trying to say. Most people will listen but just to be able to reply back to what they are saying. While they are talking in your mind you are already practicing what you will respond the questions you will ask and you won’t pay attention. When talking to some you want to pay attention to what they are saying so you can get what the meaning is. Don’t think about anything else or what you will say just listen to them carefully. Know that what you want is to understand them first and then they can understand you. It will feel good when you see that you are able to truly understand the meaning, it will make you happy.
I will apply this while having a conversation with my friends or with my parents. At any point or with whoever it is I am talking to.

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

Image result for synergize quotes
Habit 6: Synergize
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)”
Synergize means “two heads are better than one” which means two persons idea make a better things than just one. Also its teamwork, to know how to do good teamwork without making the other person feels like their ideas are not good enough. 
You have to be open minded being open to all types of ideas even when you don’t agree with them.  Being able to find different type of ways to solve the same problem. Even when it comes to an old problem you have worked on before you should always look for another way to solve it. Synergize makes us discover new things that we would have never discovered on our own.  Together people can make a better result than when you are working on something by yourself. You have to understand that not everyone will always agree with you. They have different thoughts and that’s okay, you learn new stuff from them. With your ideas and the persons idea together will make such a good result better than you expect. With Synergize you will gain different new insights. Just because you think the person’s ideas are “dumb” you should doubt them. You should always give it a try, be open to new things and do TEAMWORK.

I will apply this in class when working on a project with someone else. I’ll listen to her ideas and not judge them and we will work something out as a team.

“Synergy is better than my way or your way. It's our way."


The 7 habits of Highly Effective People are great; they will help you become a better person. You can use them everywhere you go it doesn’t necessarily have a specific place where you can apply these habits and you can also use more than one at a time. I actually liked Habit number 3; I think that can help me a lot. “Put first things first.” I need to learn to do this because at times it can be hard deciding what is more important and what needs to be done first. It can be hard having to pick on going to do what you want or do what is more important. Working together can always make a better result and a lot of people need to understand that. They need to learn to do good when they are in a team. With the 7 habits we have learned we will be able to do group work, do important stuff first, understand people rather than looking for them to understand you. 

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