Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Peak Performance Principles

"The six attitudes of High Achievers"

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Image result for make no small plans“The six attitudes of high Achievers”
“The six attitudes of high Achievers”
High Achievers…………………
1. Make no small plans:
High Achievers don’t settle for less. They always go for what is way above them and try hard to get there. They don’t set small plans instead they plan out stuff that can be difficult to reach.  Making big plans means you can come up with something that can help out. Something that will stay for generations. But having small plans means you will never know what you can actually do and achieve. Although the path to those “Big plans” may seem tough. You should never give up. Do not let anyone tell you not to dream to big. If you put a lot of effort into reaching your goals then it will all happened. It might take time and all but you’ll get there.  For example: You don’t know if you should take an AP class instead of a regular class, you should.

“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men`s blood and probably themselves will not be realized.”
·        I Will never make small plans
·        Make big plans

2. Do what they fear

Image result for do what they fear quotesWhat I think this phrase means is that to do what people are scared of. Like if they are scared of you becoming a successful person then you should become that. They fear you being better than them in any way then you should let them feel like that. It can also mean other thing like do what they don’t want to. Do what they are scared of doing. Just because they are scared of failing. Show them that with effort it can be accomplished. They won’t do something because they are afraid of what people are going to say. Or even they won’t say things because they are worried about what people will say. It shouldn’t be that way. That’s why you have to do what they fear because if it isn’t you then who. For example, take a risk and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it.
“Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.”
·        I will do what others fear
 Always speak my mind with no fear.

3. Are willing to prepare
Image result for to prepare quotesI think that this phrase means that if you are willing to be prepare. In my perspective I think this means if you willing to study hard in order to be educated. If you are willing to give up the free time to study and be prepare for your exam the next day. Sometimes you have to do a little extra work in order to be prepared. Not everyone is willing to do that extra work though, only the ones that really wants to. Being prepared is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of time and work. You won’t become prepared with a blink of an eye you need to do a lot of work for that to occur. I think you also have to be open minded in order to become prepared. You have to be open to all different types of ideas that people will teach you. Don’t think you know everything already because that won’t take you anywhere. For example, let the teacher teach what she is teaching even though you have already been taught this.
“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”
·        I’ll be willing to prepare

·        Keep an open mind ……

4. Are willing to risk failure
Image result for willing to risk failure quotesFailing is okay as long as you learn from it and come back stronger. High achievers are not afraid of failing while doing something. They are okay with failing because they know that they will try harder next time. They are not scared of messing up or what people will say.  Everyone should learn that failing isn’t so bad. You gain new experience from it. If you ever go through something like this, where you fail do not give up. I know it might be hard to come back up but the worst you can do it give up. People might start to doubt you but those are not your real friends. Do not let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve something. No one is perfect. Although some people may achieve something on their first try it might be because they studies harder. For example, You fail a test, if you study harder next time you will pass it.
        “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. “
·        I will always try my best.
·        If I fail, I’ll try again. 

5. being teachable
Image result for being teachable quotes
This phrase means that you are willing to learn something. That you won’t act like a know it all like if you already know it. It’s always good to let someone teach you something twice I think you get a better understanding of it. Also, that you are willing to do all the studying or practicing that comes along with what is being taught. Someone who is teachable has to have a positive attitude. You can’t be negative if you don’t understand it at first. Keep an open mind to the many ways there are of teaching something. You have to be a good listener. I think most importantly you have to enjoy learning. That you want to learn it on your own and not that someone is making you. High achievers concentrate on the work and not get distracted while they are being taught something during class, work or anywhere. You learn new things all the time. For example, you don’t understand math but you really want to understand it you will pay attention more.
“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”
·        I Will always be open to learning new things

·        Enjoy learning 
6. Have heart
Image result for have heart quotesHaving heart means to be caring and to show emotions. You show people that you are a caring person. Maybe you showing someone that you care about them can make them feel better. You are not afraid to show how you really feel. If something is making you feel sad or mad you are able to go and talk to someone about it.  High achievers don’t act cold hearted as if nothing was wrong with them. As if they didn’t have any feelings. They probably just fear what their friends might think or something. They can also think that showing feelings means you are weak but high achievers don’t think that way. A high achiever will always show that he does have a heart, by caring, helping those, and gives a lot. Never be afraid to help someone out if you see that they need a bit of your support. For example, always show your love towards your parents while you still can.
                    “You don’t protect your heart by acting like you don’t have one.”  
·        I will always show my love towards other
·        Never act like I don’t have a heart 

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